Sunday, September 13, 2009

4:45 AM

Overwhelmed would be the correct word for it, I suppose.
Tonight, I went to Jasmine's 21st birthday party in rainboots and had to wrestle Liz's phone away from her so she wouldn't curse out her most recent hook-up via text message. Today, I cuddled with Colleen in her bed most of the day and analyzed "Degrassi" as if it were a profound piece of literature. Last night, I dressed up for Dana's Staten Island-themed 21st birthday party, stayed on the table for twelve games, fled the cops and took care of Beckie's little sister while she vomited everything inside of her out.
At least I'm achieving my goal of socialization, right?


  1. Fun life, you are most assuredly not a hermit.

  2. Ditching the cops, eh? I bet there's a great story behind that!

    It sounds like you've been extremely social! Just reading about it makes me think I need a bit more "umph". No, I'll just read about your adventures. :)
